Tag: 海淘
柜姐- 海淘包裹丢失
如果你看到这篇文章,大概率你是遇到这样的糟心事情了,首先非常同情你,但是处理这种包裹丢失的套路是一样的,希望能帮你解决问题,上干货 首先柜姐是正式员工,你要让她明白你可以通过她的个人信息(平时你们的聊天记录,电话号码,店铺地址等)追踪到她,然后让她知道你可以通过律师去跟进,这两点做到了,她肯定也不会踢皮球了,说是让你联系快递公司,balabala….. 提供些沟通模板,仅供参考 It’s true that the package was delivered, but it was delivered to another city, so I won’t be able to receive it at all. Not your fault, I just want you to do me a favor to follow up with the UPS store where you sent out these packages, and see what’s…